Our school uniform is designed to be comfortable and practical throughout the year. All items of school uniform and equipment should be clearly and permanently named with full name and class. See policy
To avoid unnecessary expense and wastage the transition to King's branded items is proceeding gradually. Both King's and Queen's logos can be expected to be seen for the next year or two.
All items with a logo can be purchased from The Shoe Station, Kew Village.
School Uniform, including PE kit is compulsory
Items with logo:
- Red sweatshirt/cardigan
- Red polo t-shirt
- ‘K’ PE t-shirt
- King's red coat with logo (optional)
- Reading Folder- (KS1 - optional)
- Red school backpack (optional)
- PE bag (optional)
- Waterproof jacket (optional)
Items without logo:
These items can be purchased from any retailer :
- Grey - school trousers/ shorts/skorts/ culottes/ skirt/ pinafore
- Grey or red socks (white socks with summer dresses)
- Grey or red tights
- Plain white t-shirt/vest (optional as an extra layer when cold)
- Black school shoes (no open-toe/slip-on shoes and no boots)
- Navy blue or black coat and winter hat (optional)
Please see page 3 of the policy regarding allowance for children with SEN/sensory needs: “Allow for adaptations to our policy on the grounds of equality by asking parents to contact the School Office Manager via info@Kings.richmond.sch.uk for any queries.”
Summer (Optional):
- Red gingham summer dress
- Red cap/hat (with logo)
Leggings and long-sleeved under layers are not permitted.
PE kit :
In Reception and KS1, pupils will come in to school in their PE kit on PE days. In KS2, pupils will keep their PE kit in school and change for PE lessons.
- ‘K’ red PE t-shirt
- Navy PE shorts/ skorts/ tracksuit bottoms (purchased from any retailer)
- KS1 - school red sweatshirt Navy sweatshirt/fleece (optional)
- Trainers for KS2 - Plimsolls or trainers for Reception and KS1
- If your child does not have a King's or Queen's backpack, their bag must be small enough to fit in school lockers (Depth: 40cm/Length: 28cm/Width: 24cm) for health and safety reasons.
- All bags and backpacks other than a King’s branded backpack must be either red, navy blue or black in colour and where possible, unbranded
- School bags and backpacks are only allowed one attachment/key ring to aid identification purposes.
- Writing resources are provided in school. Upper KS2 pupils may bring in a small pencil case for personal stationery items (this will remain in their tray)- to be advised by year group.
- Children are not to bring in over-sized pencil cases which take up desk space
- Water bottles should be non-spill and an appropriate size to fit storage facilities in school
Jewellery- stud earrings and watches are the only jewellery allowed. Any jewellery worn for religious reasons should be supported by a letter from parents.
No nail varnish/tattoos/friendship or charity bracelets (unless for Remembrance)..
- Hair that falls below the top of the collar should be neatly tied back.
- No head scarves (unless they are worn for reasons of religious observance)
- No thick head bands, large hair ties or bows are allowed and any accessories worn should be plain red.
Sun Procedures:
Sun cream containers are not allowed in school. Pupils should come to school with their sun cream already applied, which will last throughout the day. Each pupil should have a named water bottle and a sun hat to wear outside.
Where to purchase uniform:
- All items with the school logo can be purchased at:
- The Shoe Station, 12 Station Parade, Kew, Richmond TW9 3PZ www.theshoestation.co.uk
- We meet regularly with our supplier to discuss the uniform cost and quality and work together to ensure the best value for our families.
- All items without a school logo can be purchased at any ‘high-street’ retailer.
- Our Parent School Association (PSA) holds regular second hand uniform sales, alternatively, if you need uniform before the next uniform sale, contact the School Office Manager via info@Kings.richmond.sch.uk and a pack can be put together in the correct size.
- The Queen’s School uniform is still acceptable to wear whilst transitioning to The King’s School uniform