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Topic 30th March

Week Commencing 30th March


OL: I can expand my knowledge on one area of WW2 that interests me

  • I can research into my own choice of topic
  • I can present my findings in a way that is interesting and engaging

Continuation of WW2 Topic

Choose a topic from WW2 that has most interested you and create a small project on it. You may like to focus on any of the following:

Leaders of WW2, The Blitz, Women’s role in WW2, Codebreakers, Rationing, Evacuation. 

As a continuation from last week, we would like you to complete your history project. Hopefully your research is done and you can now creatively present what you have learnt. This may continue into the Easter holidays as a half term project if you wish. 

You could present your findings through a poster, information pack, model, piece of creative writing or anything you think would be engaging. You may not have much access to many creative art supplies right now - so please don't feel pressured to create anything too elaborate. We just hope for something creative, independent and completed away from a computer screen. 

The following link has information on Women and computing in WWII:

The following link has information on London during WWII:

They are both LGFL links so you will need your password and log in details from the front of your home learning book.



OL: I can recreate WW2 propaganda.


I can consider scale

I can explain my reasons for choosing a propaganda poster

Using the Internet to support you, choose your favourite propaganda poster from WW2. Recreate it using a method or medium of your choice. This could perhaps be used alongside your history project.