The King's PSA
The PSA brings together the whole King’s community to support the school, fundraise and have fun. As a group we offer assistance to the school which helps enhance the communication between parents and teachers. The PSA also provides a forum for social activities for children and parents and organises events to raise funds for the school. The events during the year may include the Summer and Christmas Fairs, Children’s Discos, Quiz Night, Cake Sales and a Summer Picnic.
- All parents are automatically members of the PSA. Informal meetings are held on a regular basis at school which allow parents and staff to attend. Involvement in the PSA is a good way to meet other parents and become involved in the life of King’s.
- Our main focus is to raise funds for the school to purchase equipment or facilities that the school could not otherwise afford. Over the last few years we have funded:
External Facilities
- 3G pitch
- EYFS (Reception) area outdoor learning resources and physical play
- Reflection area (teepees & pagoda)
- Outdoor seating & facilities
- Outdoor storage and new shed with green roof
- Table tennis tables
- Gazebos
School Resources
- Teaching Assistants additional support
- Classes and workshops (dance, anti-bullying)
- Teaching resources (Twinkl)
- Sports kit
- Hand driers
- iPads
- SEN funding
- Enhancements to the School Library
- Phonics reading books
- Maths Mastery resources
- Folding tables
- Playground dividing screens
- Carpets
- Southwark Cathedral & Thames Mariners
Events and Dates for your Diaries
Please contact your class rep to be added to the WhatsApp group, which is our main channel for letting you know about events.