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The Governors' Fund

As a church (Voluntary Aided) school, we are required to fund 10% of all capital expenditure on our buildings and equipment.  The Governors' Fund came into being to support this requirement.  

The Governing Board has charitable status under the Charities Act (but no charity registration number), and so donations to the fund are eligible for Gift Aid.  This makes the Governors' Fund a particularly effective way for families to give to the school.  In recent years, as government funding has been squeezed, the mission of the Governors' Fund has extended beyond its original limited focus to be a way for parents to help The King's School to continue to be a special place for their children.

The best way to donate is by standing order, which you can set up quickly using internet banking. 
The account details are:

Bank:                      Barclays   
Account name:   The Kings School Governors
Sort code:             20-72-33
Account no.         00748749

One-off donations are, of course, also welcome.

If you're a UK taxpayer, please fill in the Gift Aid form attached below, to allow the school to get an additional 25% from HMRC.  (Higher rate taxpayers can also claim some additional tax relief themselves). Please return completed forms by email to or on paper to the school office.